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Meet Dr. Silvia Ruojin Ren

Meet the experienced and friendly doctor who makes Visionland Eye Care a proud provider of eye care products and services in White Plains.

Silvia Ruojin Ren, OD

For nearly 25 years Dr. Ren has been providing comprehensive eye care services to patients of all ages. She offers both diagnostic and therapeutic services, including treatment for dry eye syndrome, diabetic eye disease, glaucoma, and cataracts. She also provides surgical co-management. 

Dr. Ren is especially passionate about children’s eye care, particularly myopia control. As a specialist in orthokeratology, as well as a member of the esteemed American Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control, Dr. Ren is knowledgeable about Ortho-K contact lenses and other specialty products for children with myopia.

Dr. Ren earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from the State University of New York College of Optometry. Earlier in her career, she received a medical degree, then a Ph.D. in ophthalmology in her native China. For 12 years she practiced as an ophthalmologist at the renowned Eye Center at Beijing Tongren Hospital, followed by a Glaucoma Researcher at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai.

As a clinician-scientist specializing in glaucoma, ocular imaging, and eye disease screening, Dr. Ren has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles in top ophthalmology journals. She has also given dozens of presentations and lectures nationally and internationally. In 2009 Dr. Ren received one of only two ARVO/Pfizer Collaborative Research Fellowships awarded annually to promising investigators in ophthalmology. 

Dr. Ren is an enthusiastic contributor to eye care service in her community and has attended multiple local vision screenings. Outside the office Dr. Ren enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time with her family.